Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A poem, inspired by Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson

You alter your conviction
As a woman substitutes attire
And you experience symptoms related to the menstrual cycle
As a woman of ill favor
I would comprehend

And you dwell too long on your introspection
Perpetually articulate enigmatically

I ought understand
You are deleterious to my well being

Because you are calescent, and then you are frigid
You are affirmative, and then you are opposing
You are included, and then you are excluded
You are ecstatic, and then you are doleful
You are incorrect when it is correct
It is the absorption and the reflection of the visible spectrum
We quarrel, and we discontinue our relationship
We exchange physical emotions, and we reinstate our relationship

You do not truly wish to remain
Nor do you truly wish to withdraw

Because you are calescent, and then you are frigid
You are affirmative, and then you are opposing
You are included, and then you are excluded
You are ecstatic, and then you are doleful

Doug out and, as always, Hot N Cold.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Brace yourself- this one's about religion.

So I was listening to some Circa Survive today, and I had always thought that many of their songs contain traces of atheism, so I decided to google search the members of the band to see if they were, in fact, atheists. I couldn't find any info, so I did what was probably the worst idea; I turned to Yahoo! Answers. This was my question, verbatim:

Is Circa Survive considered an atheist band?
I've been listening to both of their albums quite a bit lately, and I can't help but get the feeling that a lot of their songs have to deal with religion. The two songs that come to mind are 1000 Witnesses and Kicking Your Crosses Down. I might be biased because I'm an atheist, but I want to get some other opinions.

My first response was a simple "No." Thanks, dickhead, for all your valuable input.
My second response was "I don't think so..." So, what, you're passing along your insecurities in your answer onto me? Real helpful.
So along comes an answerer with the name "JASON BOURNE," who writes, "I don't get this. Although you like their music, you're not going to listen to them because some of their songs are about religion. That makes you just as bad as religious ***** that think rock is satanic." with his loving Source being "I'll assassinate you."

I have many problems with this response, the two major ones being:
A) Where, in my question, did I imply that I would stop listening to their music?
B) The whole point of my question was to FIND OUT if their songs were religious or anti-religious. He's acting as if I had said "CIRCA SURVIVE IS STUPID BECAUSE THEY PREACH IN THEIR SONGS." I honestly don't care either way. Did religion stop me from listening to Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" or Led Zeppelin's "Stairway?" No, and it never will.

While I eventually did get a reasonable response, I just couldn't get over the ignorance displayed by Mr. Bourne, if that IS his real name. People hear "religion" and they get all defensive. While I don't believe in it, I'm not going to go out of my way to attack you for believing. Honestly, I have better things to do, and if you chose to follow a doctrine that teaches you to be a good person and to respect others, good for you. Me? I've decided to be a good person on my own, and I likewise expect not to be attacked for it.

Religion doesn't make a person, religion is something a person believes in. I've met some pretty terrible Christians who don't follow the teachings of their belief at all; likewise, I've met many atheists who think it's their job to denounce people's faith. I'm not about to go pointing out these people's flaws to them, because, no matter what you believe in, you have to understand that every person has a right to believe what they want to believe, and to behave how they want to behave. No Christian has the right to tell anybody else that their beliefs are wrong, not unless they have some pretty hard evidence (no, while I respect your fortitude, faith doesn't count. Also, there are plenty of religious texts longer and more in depth than the Bible), nor do any atheists have the right to bash Christians, because we don't have proof that they AREN'T right (technically we can't prove any of the scientific 'facts' we've discovered; although, I could just say dinosa... never mind, I stray from the point). Anyone who denounces anybody else's faith or lack of faith is stupid, and you all know how much I hate stupid people.

Doug out, and, as always, slowly losing faith in humanity.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

You mean Tiger Woods ISN'T Jesus Christ?

For the record; I hate a lot of popular sports figures that some others seem to love. Tom Brady, Jeff Gordon, Rodger Federer, and Ben Roethless... Rothless... Hamburger time can all go have a 5some with a monstrous chode. If there was one major sports figure to look up to, it was Tiger Woods; he broke cultural barriers in a fat white guy sport, set astounding records on the green, and made millions along the way.
Now he's coming under fire for this whole "cheating on his wife" thing, and people are starting to question his integrity. Ok, I can understand that, but we need to see things from Tiger's point of view. His wife finds out about the affair and, instead of perhaps having a conversation about it, or even telling him to stay at a friends house for a while, she takes the extra step and begins beating him with the very object that bought her the house she chased him out of. Not only that, but once he seeks to escape the beast in his car, she smashes the window. Now, call me crazy, but maybe there was a reason he was getting a little on the side; perhaps he preferred his sex with 2 less spoonfuls of crazy bitch extract.

And now, after all of this drama, guess who benefits from it. Yup, wifey Woods. Apparently she and her lawyer are rewriting the prenup in such a way that she'll get $55 mil if she stays with Tiger for 2 more years. I must point out- REwriting the PREnup. You know, that thing you decide BEFORE marriage. Not to mention, they say they'll feign the "happy couple" due to international relations. As if this news was contained in the UNITED STATES version of the internet.

Personally, I say "Go Tiger" on this one; not that I'd ever cheat, but he's got a lot more pressure than I do, what with those crazy Chinese snapping pics during his backswing and all. Honestly, look at how Hillary handled Bill cheating on her, and you know Tiger's making way more money to give his honey.
Doug out, and, as always, slowly losing faith in humanity.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spectrum of Character

I made this for my American Lit class; Prof said I should get it published. I think I should get it garbaged. Imo, it's cheesy, but I guess I'll let you decide.
Btw- no homo. Ha, called it.

The mountains, majestic, high above the landscape
A beacon, a guiding piece of the horizon in the morning light, a shining pinnacle for those who have no home.
When lost, look to the mountains, rest assured that your travels kept you within sight of them- these mountains, guiding those who go astray, leading them back to this great land.
The bright blues of the midday sky
Always calm, even when reflecting the most turbulent waters, the darkest oceans, splitting lovers and taking good men too soon.
When distressed, look to the sky, see how the darkest blues and the brightest become one, a form of pure beauty- always present, always calm.
The blades of grass along the fields
They do not resist the changing of the winds, freely flowing to and fro, rooted during the strongest squalls. While one may shift, from afar, all are one.
When faced with change, look to the grass, adamant in its foundation, though not resistant to change; moving as many while moving as one.
The fields of grain in the plains
Oceans of yellow, shimmering with the sun, striving to survive with sole purpose, feeding those in need, keeping the circle of life alive.
When in a state of idleness, look to the grain, faced with life, else idleness- else death. Face not mortality from inactivity, feed your country, feed yourself.
The radiance of the Sun
The heat of the Sun allows life- plants, animals, human beings alike. The warm rays of light allow all to be seen- this beauty the Sun creates, it also illuminates.
When a fellow man is in need, look to the sun, giver of life and warmth, asking nothing in return, shining on without end, allowing us to bask in its warm glow.
The final glow in the evening sky
Delight of the sailors, awe-inspiring beauty, final farewell of the day at hand, closing curtain on the stage of life; opened again by the call of morning, the next scene begins.
When all troubles seem to rest on your shoulders, look to the evening sky, herald of a better day to come. The black of night cleans the slate; the morning creates a new beginning.
The heart of the nation
Colorful landscape, colorful ideas, the most important-colorful people.
White, black, red, yellow, brown
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet
A nation of color represented in its people
When all else fails, look to color, and let color guide.